GOLD 🥇5x Olympian Lindsey Jacobellis 🇺🇸 caps off a storybook ending by winning her first gold medal. This is also the first gold medal for Team USA in this event.— Just Women’s Sports (@justwsports) February 9, 2022 美国奥运代表队 36 岁滑雪好手琳赛·雅各贝利斯(Lindsey Jacobellis)今(9)日于单板滑雪女子障碍追逐项目中,替美国队抢下本届北京冬奥 4 日开幕以来首面金牌。This was the Lindsey Jacobellis race from 2006 Torino Olympics, where she celebrated too early and fell right before her chance to win gold. Hadn’t won an olympic medal since, now she has🥇at 36— Rachel (@tolstoybb) February 9, 2022 据《CNN》报导,2006 年杜林奥运会上,当时琳赛本对金牌是十拿九稳,但在最后一个跳跃动作上失误栽倒,最终以银牌作收。自此后她就一直在追逐第一的殊荣。目前冬奥奖牌榜上,挪威以 4 金 1 银 4 铜居榜首,地主中国 3 金 2 银排第 4 ,美国以 1 金 5 银 1 铜排第 10 。分享到:FacebookX赞过:赞 正在加载……相关 文章导航BC省开启疫情新阶段 下周将放宽限制 羽生结弦曾常驻多伦多!加拿大教练享誉全球